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Bitter Gourd Vegetable Seeds for Sale | Grow Bitter Melon Karela

Original price was: ₹115.00.Current price is: ₹34.50.

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  • No. Of Seeds: Approx. 15 to 25 Seeds
  • Ideal for All Seasons with Quick germination 
  • Highly Fertile Hybrid Organic seeds
  • Perfect for gardens or balconies
  • Ripe Harvest: 40 Days ( Also varies to your microenvironment)
  • Rich in vitamins A and C
  • Bitter Gourd helps you manage Diabetes
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Bitter Gourd (Karela) to Grow Your Own Bitter Melon at Home

Bitter gourd (karela) is Rich in vitamins A and C, it boosts your immune system, promotes healthy skin and eyes, and helps you manage Diabetes by maintaining blood sugar levels, making it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet, digestion and improve liver health.

Perfect for Beginners: Fast germination and steady growth make these seeds ideal for new gardeners

Bitter Gourds Seeds: How to Plant (Step-by-Step Guide)

  1. Choose the right time: Bitter gourd thrives in warm weather. In India, planting is recommended during the early summers (around April-May).
  2. Prepare the pot: Fill your large pot with a well-draining potting mix. Moisten the soil lightly with the watering can.
  3. Soaking: Bitter Melon seeds soaked in water overnight benefit and it’s recommended before Sowing.
  4. Sowing Seeds: Dhaniya seeds should be planted a 1/4 (quarter) of an inch deep. Simply press 2-3 seeds directly onto the damp soil, by planting about 8 to 10  Cilantro seeds per pot and spacing them about 2-3 inches apart.
  5. Seeds Covering: Gently cover the seeds with a thin layer of additional potting mix.
  6. Watering: Water gently again to moisten the top layer of soil. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy throughout the germination period.
  7. Germination: Place the pot in a warm, sunny location receiving at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Germination typically takes 7-14 days.
  8. Support system: As bitter gourd is a vining plant, it requires support to grow upwards. Install a trellis, fence, or stakes near the pot to guide the vines as they climb. You can also use additional stakes for initial support until the vines reach the trellis.
  9. Growing: Continue to water regularly, especially during hot and dry periods. You can fertilize your bitter gourd plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer.
  10. Harvesting: Harvest when karela reaches a mature size (usually 4-8 inches long) and the skin hardens slightly.

Bitter Melon Seeds planting FAQs:

Flowering/ Yellowing:
  1. Bottle gourd plant only male flowers? Producing male flowers due to environmental stress or nutrient imbalances.
  2. Does bitter gourd need pollination? Yes, karela flowers are unisex and generally self-pollinating.
  3. Why is my bitter gourd flower dropping / Why is my bitter gourd not flowering? Several factors can affect flowering, including lack of sunlight, nutrient deficiencies, or temperature extremes.
  4. Bitter melon plant fruit turning yellow? Fruit turning yellow on the karela plant could indicate over-ripeness, nutrient deficiency, or excessive sun exposure.
  1. Bitter gourd plant not growing? A bitter melon plant not growing well might suffer from poor soil quality, inadequate sunlight, or insufficient watering.
  2. Does bitter gourd plant need sunlight? Yes, bitter melon plants need sunlight, ideally 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, to grow well.
  3. Bottle gourd plant support?  bitter melon plants need strong support, to help the vines grow and support the heavy fruits.
  1. Bitter gourd planting season? The best season to plant bitter melon is between March and July.
  2. Bitter gourd seeds not germinating? Due to insufficient warmth, poor soil quality, or lack of moisture.
  3. How to support bitter melon plants? Support bitter melon plants by providing a trellis or vertical support to help the vines grow upward and produce healthy fruit.
  4. How to trim bitter gourd plants? Trim a bitter melon plant by cutting back dead or yellow leaves and thinning out dense areas to improve air circulation and plant health.
  5. Pruning karela plant? Prune the bitter melon plant regularly by removing dead leaves, unwanted shoots, and excess growth to promote better air circulation and fruit production.
  6. How to cut bitter gourd from plants? Cut bitter melon fruit from the plant using sharp scissors or a knife, ensuring you leave a small stem attached to the fruit.
  7. Why is my karela plant dying? A bitter melon plant may die due to root rot from overwatering, lack of sunlight, or diseases.

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Original price was: ₹115.00.Current price is: ₹34.50.
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